Advantage Program

Membership Benefits for Suppliers

Become a GCA Supplier Member Today!

  • Your company Logo with your website link listed in the Preferred Supplier section on the GCA website, in printed event programs, and in the Georgia Cemetery Advisor  monthly e-newsletter

  • 25% discount  for  GCA Advantage Program Members on registration / exhibit fees for conventions, seminars, workshops and other GCA events

  • As an Advantage Program Member, after you register for a GCA event, you will receive a list of attendees so you can make key contacts beforehand and  invite/direct them to your exhibit area

  • With your Advantage Membership, utilize the GCA  monthly e-newsletter service to broadcast your message, marketing advertisement or promotions,  to the GCA membership,  up to 4 times a year at no additional cost   –  advertising  included  with  your membership !

  • Submit relevant articles, helpful tips, best practices and photos of recent projects that you wish to share with the GCA membership

Membership Dues - $350.00

Become a GCA Supplier Member Today!

Enhancing the Profession Promoting Fellowship Serving Our Communities